

JustSayNope and identify yourself as someone fed up with the happenings in the #DistrictOfCorruption. Let others know when it comes to Government it has to be #UsNotThem. There is no real representation in our nations seat of power and regulation.

A #Movement That Believes #WeThePeople Matter Most!

#JustSayNope to the Two #Corporations that run the #PoliticalSystem in #OurNation! #Politicians no longer #RepresentThePeople, they represent their #CorporateDonorOwners that provide #Them with the #PerksOfOfficeHolding. The #FoundingFathers did not consider this when authoring the #DeclarationOfIndependence.

Our Governance

Now the Laws Favor #Them.
#Censored is our #FreeSpeech.
#They have eroded our #ConstitutionalRights
and #Criminalized the #Truth.
#They have #Enslaved #Us.




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